Privacy Policy


Effective as of January 1, 2020


These privacy policies regulate the processing of personal data and the use of cookies on the website of Saunum Saunas OÜ (hereinafter referred to as SAUNUM) at (hereinafter referred to as the website).


Processing of personal data refers to any activity involving the user’s personal data (hereinafter referred to as the user) on the website – including data collection, processing, storage, correction, or deletion.

Users are all individuals who visit the website, use the services, or provide information themselves, such as ordering products/services or contacting via email.

Services include all the free and paid products and services offered by SAUNUM.


By using the website, the user gives consent to the processing of their data in accordance with these privacy policies.

SAUNUM collects the following user personal data through the website in the ways described below:

User email address – when the user subscribes to the mailing list or sends an email;

User name and email address – when the user makes an information request;

Website visit statistics – through Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel.


SAUNUM uses personal data to provide services to the user, such as processing and confirming orders, entering into and fulfilling contracts, communicating with the user, sending invoices, and sending notifications to the user’s email address about new articles, services, and campaigns, but only with the user’s prior consent.

SAUNUM uses website visit statistics to improve the user experience and for more efficient marketing. The user has the right to prohibit the processing of their personal data at any time, except when it is necessary to fulfill contractual obligations, including providing services.

Contact Forms

Information sent via contact forms is stored in SAUNUM’s customer management program (CRM).

Retention and Security of Personal Data

SAUNUM implements all reasonable measures to protect processed personal data. Access to personal data for modification and processing is restricted to authorized personnel only, and all user personal data is treated as confidential information.


A third party is a contractual partner and service provider of SAUNUM who processes personal data and provides services to the user on behalf of SAUNUM.

SAUNUM uses third parties for its daily operations, including:

Website hosting,

Website usage statistics analysis,

Social media usage and social media statistics analysis,

Accounting software usage.

In addition to the third parties mentioned in the previous point, SAUNUM may also share user personal data with the following partners:

Google Analytics



The user has the right at any time to:

Express the desire to access their data;

Request the correction, supplementation, or, under the conditions provided by law, the deletion of personal data;

Request the restriction of the processing of personal data;

Request the transfer of personal data.

To exercise their rights, the user should send a corresponding request to the email address

If the user is part of SAUNUM’s mailing list, they can remove themselves from the mailing list and opt-out of future emails via the link provided at the end of emails.

To restrict the use of cookies, the user can make the necessary selections in their web browser settings.

If the user believes that their rights have been violated in the processing of personal data, they have the right to contact the Data Protection Inspectorate.


SAUNUM’s website uses cookies to ensure a better user experience, more efficient marketing activities, and to collect usage statistics.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your device when you visit a website. Cookies can be created by various service providers, such as Google and Facebook. Cookie files are not harmful to your computer.

What types of cookies do we use?

Session cookies are temporary and disappear when the user leaves the website or closes their web browser. Temporary cookies are used, for example, to remember the language selection on the website.

Persistent cookies remain in the user’s device’s cookie file even after the website is closed. They may be used to recognize the user as a repeat visitor to the website and to customize the website’s content based on the user’s needs or for collecting statistical data. Persistent cookies are used, for example, to remember user preferences.

Cookies are used to collect information about how the website is used in order to make it more personalized and user-friendly. Cookies also help collect user statistics, which allows us to measure and improve the website’s performance and provides data for efficient marketing activities.

Users are considered to have consented to the use of cookies if their web browser settings allow cookies. Most web browsers allow cookie files to be stored in the device by default. Users can disable or delete cookies in their device by changing their web browser settings. If cookies are not used, the website may not function correctly.

To collect usage statistics, SAUNUM uses the Google Analytics service, which gathers data on visited subpages, visit duration, the number of visits, the devices used, entry channels, and other statistics.

However, Google Analytics may collect data on user activity even without using cookie files. To prevent Google Analytics from using data, users can install a Google Analytics-blocking extension in their device: Google Analytics Opt-Out Browser Add-On.

More information about Facebook advertisements and Facebook Pixel can be found through the following links: Facebook Advertising and Facebook Pixel.


SAUNUM reserves the right to unilaterally change the privacy policies without prior notice in order to ensure compliance with laws. The latest version of the privacy policies is always available on the website.

For any questions regarding these privacy policies and data processing, please contact us.